Wednesday, May 30, 2007

PM's Remarks at the CMs Conference on Power

Here is what the PM had to say.

A lot of words.
Too many (oft heard) promises.
Not enough concrete action on the street.

Opening remarks here:

Closing remarks here:

They don't look very different do they ?

The opening remarks had a few harsh words on the Regulators which were softened in the closing !

Rest of it is pretty much "babu"-speak (read:same thing twisted around).

Talking of "Babus" .. here's Dr. Ahluwalia's remarks:

If the PM has no control (or very little control) over what's happening .. what hope is there for the rest of us??

Why is HE upset that things are not happening ! If HE can't get it done .. who the hell is running this country ??

Maybe we should empower the President a lot more ... if only we can get Dr. Kalam to agree to stand again ...

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